Image and Video Enhancement

Distorted and blurred images or videos are practically useless as they do not serve the basic purpose of providing the information the viewer expects. But such images and videos can be enhanced through the image and video enhancement system. Enhancement refers to adjusting digital images so that they can be presented for analysis.


It involves sharpening, or brightening an image, or removing noise from a video, etc. to make the image or clip more viewable. It helps with better viewing, analysis, information gathering and decision-making. 

Key Features

  • Image and Audio redaction for forensic purposes
  • Reveal distorted and tampered content
  • Blur faces, license plates, and other sensitive content to maintain confidentiality and anonymity.
  • Prepare video evidence for law enforcement purposes by highlighting important content in the video
  • Recover lost details in videos
  • Verifiable reporting of all the enhancement changes made.
  • Preserve original files.

Verticals Served

Law Enforcement

Smart & Safe Cities


Data Entries